Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Original UK Quad poster for the 2017 James Gunn Marvel Comics comic book science fiction action adventure sequel.
Note that this is an advance British quad (note the "April 28" at the bottom of the poster). Also note that this is a double-sided poster. From the 1990s on, movie posters were often made in double-sided versions (for use in light boxes). Note that the image on the reverse is a mirror image of the image on the front!
Film Category: Science Fiction
Actor / Actresses: Zoe Saldana (as Gamora), Dave Bautista (as Drax the Destroyer), Vin Diesel (as the voice of Groot), Bradley Cooper (as the voice of Rocket), Michael Rooker (as Yondu), Karen Gillian (as Nebula), Pom Kiementieff (as Mantis), Elizabeth DeBicki (as Syesha), Chris Sullian (as Taserface), Sean Gunn (as Kraglin), Sylvester Stallone (as Stakar Ogord), and Kurt Russell (as Ego)
Poster Type: UK Quad (30" x 40", 76cm x 102cm)
Condition: Fine rolled
Year: 2017