An original 'Country of Origin' Synopsis for the classic 1979 Franc Roddam English London England rebellious youth rock 'n' roll music crime melodrama - "A Condition of Today"; "A Way of Life"; "The Who presents the movie Quadrophenia"; "...a trip that will wake you up and shake you up"; "...a pocketfull of dreams was their way of life"; "...a condition of today"; "based on the music of and produced by The Who"; about a teenager in England during the "Mods vs. Rockers" era.
Film Category: Musical
Actor / Actresses: Phil Daniels, Leslie Ash, Philip Davis, Mark Wingett, and Sting
Poster Type: UK Synopsis, 11.75 x 8.25" , 4 pages
Condition: Fine condition, small paper lift in white area on page 4
Year: 1979