Rocky V
An original US 1 sheet "Advance" (double sided) poster for the 1990 boxing sequel. Note that this is the rare "Coming This Fall" advance (it is marked "ADVANCE" but is clearly more a teaser) that was released in the summer of 1990. In the early fall, a second teaser was issued that has a completely different image and reads "Go For It November 16". Also note that this is a double-sided poster. In the 1990s movie posters were sometimes made in double-sided versions (for use in light boxes). Note that the image on the reverse is a mirror image of the image on the front! Finally, note that this poster was never machine folded!
Film Category: Sports / Drama
Actor / Actresses: Sylvester Stallone
Poster Type: US 1 sheet 27" x 41"
Condition: Fine rolled condition
Year: 1990